Alexander High School Music Department

Band Required Forms

2014-2015 Band Required forms have been updated. Check the band information and forms page. These should be turned in on the first day of camp. Look forward to seeing everyone soon!

AHS Band

2014-2015 AHS Band Leadership

Congratulations to the students selected for the 2014-2015 AHS Band Leadership Team.  Selection was based on many factors including the online application and participation in the leadership clinic.  Some students who are not a part of leadership will be asked … Read more

AHS Band

2014 AHS Colorguard

Congratulations to the 2014-2015 AHS Colorguard.

Click here for the guard roster

Alexander High School Music Department

Concert Band Festival Results

Congratulations to all members of the AHS Concert Band for receiving superior ratings from all three judges at the Golden River Concert Festival. Everyone that attended performed well and made this trip a great experience!